Production history
“I like open-ended works where I have to make the meaning instead of being told what to think.”
- Manifesto
Play... in Your Bathtub 2.0 (2022)
A site-specific audio play that takes place in your own bathtub.
Un Banquete Serio (2022)
Picasso holds a cubist dinner for the painter Henri Rousseau with Gertrude Stein, Alice Toklas, Guillaume Apollinaire, and a donkey.
Readymade Cabaret 2.0 (2020)
Celebrate the beauty of chance encounters in a play where you make the meaning!
Life on Earth (2020)
An online, durational, participatory adaptation of Charles Mee's Heaven on Earth.
Theatre in the Dark (2019, 2020)
A multi-sensory memento mori that takes place entirely in the dark. Smell, taste, and touch your way through this nourishing ode to the present moment.
Play! (2019)
A participatory homage to the importance of radical play for a healthy society.
Cafe Play (2017, 2018)
The Cornelia Street Café transforms into an immersive and interactive wonderland, offering a unique glimpse into the lives of New Yorkers.
Subway Plays (2017-ongoing)
A trilogy of site-specific, sensory podplays for the New York City Subway.
Versailles (2017, 2016)
Set against a backdrop of global crisis at a house party in an actual New York City apartment
Pool Play (2017, 2014)
Audiences sit at the edge of a pool for this exploration of America's long, joyful and complicated relationship with water, swimming, and pools.
The Festival of LIfe (2016-ongoing)
Une pièce audio dramatique, créé exclusivement pour le Festival d’Avignon.
Ferry Play (2015-ongoing)
Invites audiences to participate in the site-specific, sensory experience of a podplay for the Staten Island Ferry.
Readymade Cabaret (2015)
A celebration of the beauty of chance encounters using Duchamp’s notions of chance and readymades.
A Serious Banquet (2014)
A devised piece structured around the party Picasso threw for Henry Rousseau in 1908 as recorded by Gertrude Stein.