Readymade Cabaret
“Readymade Cabaret” (2015)
Readymade Cabaret uses Duchamp’s notions of chance and readymades to celebrate the beauty of chance encounters. The scenes that are performed, and the order in which they are performed, depend on the roll of the dice; so in any given performance, the audience sees 1 of a hundred million possible plays.
Conceived and Directed by Erin B. Mee.
#TweetDances by Kyla Ernst-Alper.
Text by Jessie Bear.
Scenic/Art Design by Sam Silbiger.
Stage Management by Sophia Cohen Smith .
Interpreted by Anne Flowers, Caitlin Goldie, Ali Kennedy Scott, Chris Morriss, Karoline Xu.
Photos by June Xie.
Readymade Cabaret is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Lower Manhattan Cultural Council empowers artists by providing them with networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Lower Manhattan and beyond.